Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Nexus One, and Other Google Backed Phones.

In an article on smart phones, people seemed to be talking a lot about the new phone Google brought to the market. The article spoke about mainly about the unveiling of the Nexus One and the reception of it. I’ll tell you right now, I’m on Apple guy and I like the iPhone a lot. I’m all for new technology and competing products, however when the product directly bashes a competitor and doesn’t live up to what it claims; I laugh. The iPhone is a huge pop culture icon and had the competition in a rush to keep up or at least match it. Just recently Google teamed up with Verizon to release the Droid Does which was coined as the iPhone killer. The commercial was catchy and pointed out all the problems the iPhone has (which were not necessarily true). For all the boasting it had, the Droid Does doesn’t really do anything special that other smart phones on the market don’t already do. The Droid is a nice phone and I compliment its design and features, however it is no iPhone killer. Now comes to the Nexus One. I’ll be honest; this is quite an impressive phone. But it’s not revolutionary. It has lots of really well thought out features and has a sleek design to it that rivals the iPhone. Outside of that though, the Nexus One is quite similar to the other phones that operate on the Droid platform.

Google is such an iconic pop culture phenomena that I expected more out of them. Google, who started off by being nothing more than a site that returns inquires, now has their hands in the shopping market with Google checkout, the browser market with Google Chrome and the operating system market with Google Chrome. So being the geniuses that they are I expected more out of them with the Nexus One. The biggest thing about this phone was that Google got a chance to show people that they can make stand alone products instead of being just a partner to others. While the Nexus One is a very impressive phone, it’s evolutionary not revolutionary.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your opinion completely when it comes to bashing the competition. If a company is going to do it they better have a product that is revolutionary. I wish you would have gave your thoughts on the new Palm Touch.
