Monday, January 11, 2010

The Destructive Nature of Homosexuality (Written Assignment 2)

So this week on the subject of myths, I chose to write about a rather controversial subject matter but a societal myth none the less. In a recent article I read about homosexuality and its effects on society, I’d have to say I disagreed with it. While I am not homosexual myself, I understand and have no complaints about people of that lifestyle. I believe that as a society we have been brought up on old mores and values that sometime cloud our opinion and judgment on people who live a lifestyle different from our own. Some common myths about homosexuality in society include:

· Homosexual marriages are destructive to the moral fabric of our society, nation and world.
· Homosexuality is genetic.
· Homosexuals have no choice about their sexual orientation.
· Homosexuals are constantly trying to convert straight people to homosexuality.
· Women become lesbians because they had bad or negative sexual experiences with men.
· Gay men tend to be pedophiles and molest children.

These are just a few common myths people have about homosexuality and none of them have any scientific validity and should be disregarded. To say homosexuals would destroy the moral fabric of our society is preposterous. They are not here to bring about the apocalypse or convert millions of people to their lifestyles, they are just here living their lives as any other person would.

I’m not a very religious person myself so I generally get frustrated that whenever I take part in arguments or overhear arguments about homosexuality, it always winds up being about how a religious sin it is. I agree with peoples religious views and the values that they have however when we begin to outcast groups of people based upon their sexual orientation, it becomes a problem. Other problems society had included interracial dating, immigration, woman working “men” jobs, women with political power and numerous others. The great thing is that we as a society overcame these problems and became stronger as a whole and now we see these things quite often. So why the spitefulness toward gays? Why do we as a society not allow same sex marriage? Because God says so? Because it will send society into chaos? Because we can’t change the meaning of marriage? These all seem like very absurd answers but unfortunately, I hear them a lot. We as a society seem to let myths cloud our logic and we base our biases on irrational thought processes.

With that being said I hope we as a society overlook these myths among others and become stronger as we have many times before.

Some other common myths we see in society consist of:
· Prisons are comprised largely of blacks
· Mexicans are taking all of our jobs
· The rich pay lower taxes or get tax breaks
· Men always make more than women

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